Where can I order parts for my Honda vehicle in Charlottetown, PE?
Have you noticed that your vehicle is not running like it should be? Do you know exactly the part that you need but are uncertain as to where you should order the necessary parts from. If you have been asking, “Where can I order parts for my Honda vehicle in Charlottetown, PE?” you have come to the right place, we can help you at Capital Honda.

I need help ordering parts and installing them in my vehicle. What are my options?
We have a phenomenal service department at Capital Honda. Not only can our team members help you order the parts that are needed for your vehicle, but they can also install them if you are feeling uncertain about doing the installation yourself.
When it comes to ordering parts, head over to the “Service” tab and click on “Order Parts”. Here, you can fill out some information about yourself, your vehicle, and the parts that you need for your vehicle. We are able to get parts quick! We will take the information you give us and get back to you with a quote.
If you decide to proceed forward, make sure you schedule an appointment for your vehicle to come in. We want to make sure that we get your vehicle back to you as soon as possible so that you can get back on the road!
Where can I learn more about ordering parts from Capital Honda?
Please give us a call today at 902-566-1101 today! Our team members are here and ready to answer all of your questions and assist you in any way that we can. If you have questions about a specific part of the process, again, please reach out! We want to help get your vehicle working like new so that you can go to and from your various destinations without any issues!